The ITHRIVE Service
Our Solution for Physicians
Wellness Solutions
Improved Health = Improved R.O.I..
Health Coaching
Guided Support
General Overview of Our Services
Designed to Implement
ITHRIVE Health programming occurs on two primary levels: individual interventions and population based programming. Both are equally important, but historically programs have failed to provide options to participants that are focused on them. Employees want targeted communications and programs that are specific to them and their needs.
ITHTRIVE Health gives you the tools to accomplish this:
Personal Interventions
Online Health Portal – Our Clinical Team online health portal provides participants the tools they need to manage their health on a daily basis. It provides daily nutrition and activity trackers, fresh daily content specifically targeted to the individual, and a social networking format to create a positive support system with health coaches and friends.
Targeted Communications – Quarterly communications for all participants based specifically on the risk factors demonstrated in the Bio Scan biometric screening.
ITHRIVE Health provides Health Coaching. In order to effectively change beahvior and obtain lasting results, it is crucial to provide accountability through consistent positive counseling and feedback to each individual.
Disease/Condition Management, and Case Management for employers looking to provide real support and intervention to their employees. If these programs already exist in your benefit plan, ITHRIVE Health will integrate with existing programs for the best possible intervention.
Population Based Programming
Wellness Communication Campaign – ITHRIVE Health will provide templates and multimedia communications to help employers drive participation and effectively communicate incentive structure and program understanding.
Education Campaign – ITHRIVE Health clinical experts and health coaches provide monthly lunch and learn webinars for all clients. The program provides a monthly newsletter and daily Twitter updates. Regular health articles are posted on our ITHRIVE Health blog for employee and employer education.
Wellness Programming – ITHRIVE Health will work with employer groups to design and implement weight loss, activity, smoking cessation, and other risk specific programming for employee populations. Our Clinical Team website tracks points for activity and can be applied to create team initiatives around activity and weight loss.